Monday, June 25, 2012

There's the Rub

Lorelai and Emily spend a weekend at a health spa, but they sneak out for some real food at a local restaurant where Emily dances with a distinguished stranger, then blames Lorelai for her feelings of guilt. Back at home, Rory looks forward to a rare evening alone, but when Paris, Jess and Dean all drop by to keep her company, the sparks fly.

Live like a Gilmore:
Have an at-home spa day.

Here's one idea for a homemade face mask:
Mash half an avocado and apply it on the face thoroughly everywhere and let it stay till it dries up completely and then wash it off with cold water.
You can also refresh yourself with a cold drink of cucumber water. Put a few slices of cucumber at the bottom of a cup, cover with ice, and pour cold water over it.

Dress Like a Gilmore:
Blue and tan floral dress with tan cardigan.

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